Generate API Key

Journey Static Maps is currently in private beta. To get started, create an account in our dashboard and generate an API key to use in your application.

Get Started

Configure the SDK

To get started, first install the package:

dart pub add static_map

Then, initialize the SDK with your API key. You can do this in your main function:

import 'package:static_map/static_map.dart';

void main() {
    // Initialize the SDK with your API key
    StaticMap.initialize(apiKey: '12345678');

Generate a Static Map

To generate a static map, use the StaticMapImage widget. You can customize the map by passing in various parameters, such as the center, zoom level, markers, and paths.

	options: StaticMapOptions(
		width: 300,
		height: 300,
		padding: 40,
		scale: 2,
		overlays: [
			const StaticMapPath(
				polyline: '}rueFf~ejVxGw@f@pH~`@wEqCqb@',

The code above will generate the following static map:

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